Newfoundland-Labrador Distance Calculator
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  Departure City Destination City
Leaving from
From To Principle Route Time/Distance
Corner Brook Bay Roberts Hwy 1 East 6hrs 34mins
637km (396mi)

Distance and Time from Corner Brook to Popular Destinations

Time to the Destination City is based on an average speed of 80 km/h (49.71 mph). Principal Route shows the list of major highways travelled in the specified direction.

Sort by Destination City Name

Destination City Principal Route Time/Distance
Stephenville, NL Hwy 1 West, Hwy 460 West 1hr 0mins
82km (51mi)
Gander, NL Hwy 1 East 3hrs 42mins
358km (222mi)
Bay Roberts, NL Hwy 1 East 6hrs 34mins
637km (396mi)
Carbonear, NL Hwy 1 East 6hrs 45mins
657km (408mi)
Conception Bay South, NL Hwy 1 East 6hrs 51mins
673km (418mi)
Marystown, NL Hwy 1 East 7hrs 22mins
673km (418mi)
Paradise, NL Hwy 1 East 6hrs 50mins
679km (422mi)
Mount Pearl, NL Hwy 1 East 6hrs 52mins
680km (423mi)
St John's, NL Hwy 1 East 7hrs 0mins
689km (428mi)
Grand Bank, NL Hwy 1 East 8hrs 10mins
728km (452mi)
Goose Bay, NL Hwy 430 North 16hrs 24mins
1,011km (628mi)
Labrador City, NL Trans-Labrador Hwy 23hrs 26mins
1,517km (943mi)